#BuxtonFlowerpot Trail

Buxton Flowerpot Trail 2021

In 2019, we officially took over the Buxton flowerpot project from the Buxton Town Team, having previously supported their workshops and promotion. The project and trail came about through their Buxton in Bloom competition having a ‘Best Flowerpot Person’ category. As this is all about re-using materials, making something and them often being funny, it is something we wanted to keep going.

​After the changes made in 2020 for the COVID-19 pandemic, we return to the usual July-August timescale for 2021, alongside the town’s summer festivals and the summer holidays.


The theme this year, building on some of the wonderful creations last year and to link in with Buxton Wild Weeks and the 150th celebrations of the Pavilion Gardens, is ‘Go Wild! Wildlife and Wilderness’. However, as ever, you didn’t need to align with the theme.



We ran making workshops where pots were available to pick up at a Buxton Market on Saturday 1 May, and outdoor workshops at The Green Man Gallery on Saturdays 22 and 29 May. We also joined Transition Buxton at Buxton Junior School for their Buxton Wild Weeks workshop. Our activities were reduced due to planning uncertainty around the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.

Register Your Location

Participants simply had to email us their location to register to take part.

​​We also request a photo of the flowerpot creations in place for our post-trail photo album below and on Facebook for those who were not able to see the creations in Buxton.

Buxton Flowerpot Trail Map

A printed version of the trail map was available throughout July and August (cost £1) at The Green Man Gallery, Poole’s Cavern Visitor Centre and The Pump Room. An electronic version was also available if you wanted to go paper-free. Find a copy of it here.

We also entered the Buxton Festival Fringe and were awarded a nomination in the Visual Arts category.

We had over 40 dots on the maps last year. Did we beat it this year? The answer is yes!! We had 53 dots on the map this year. Huzzah!

Listen to us promoting the trail on BBC Radio Derby >>


Our Creations

Fishing family on the Pavilion Gardens lake
Fringe-orange snake at The Green Man Gallery


We are able to run the Buxton Flowerpot Trail project this year thanks to a Derbyshire County Council Action Grant.

Get Involved

Anyone wanting to get involved with the project, helping to promote or volunteering at our workshops, please get in touch – email hello@funnywonders.org.uk.

Have you made a flowerpot person or enjoyed the trail? Let us know, send us a message or post it on social media using the hashtag #BuxtonFlowerpotTrail.

Pick Up Pots Stalls & Making Workshops

Your Flowerpot Creations