#BuxtonFlowerpot Trail

Buxton Flowerpot Trail 2020

In 2019, we officially took over the Buxton Flowerpot Project from the Buxton Town Team, having previously supported their workshops and promotion. The project came about through their Buxton in Bloom competition having a ‘Best Flowerpot Person’ category. As this is all about re-using materials, making something and them often being funny, it is something we wanted to keep going. See our 2019 project here.

​We planned some changes for 2020 but, with the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to make further changes! We still wanted to run the project to help brighten up the day of those still out and about – key workers, community volunteers and households out on their daily exercise opportunity. So, we made a call to all households in Buxton to create a flowerpot creation and display it in their front yard/garden/doorstep/window/gate from the start of April until the end of July.

As we couldn’t run out usual making workshops, we needed everyone to have a rummage through their sheds, garages, gardens, activity rooms and recycling and see what resources they could find. Most had some old flowerpots but we made some from our stores available.

We updated our making instructions and made some making videos to help any first-timers – you can see these below – but really you can make them however you can.

​We were amazed with how many people got involved, considering the circumstances, and the quality of the creations. Some were so good they might even feature on next year’s promotional materials!

How to Make a Flowerpot Person

Flowerpot people are just knots in string and there isn’t really a right way or a wrong way. They can look however you want, it just takes a bit of trial-and-error and forward thinking.

To make a basic flowerpot person, download the instructions above or watch the videos below.

Part I – looking for resources
Part II – what you need
Part III – construction

Flowerpot Creation Photos

Lots sent in pictures of their flowerpot creations for our photo album for those who were not able to leave the house during lockdown. You can see some of this year’s creations below or see them all on our Facebook page here.


Buxton Flowerpot Trail Map​

We produced three electronic flowerpot location maps this year (May, June and July) to help everyone see where they were located. A good activity for daily exercise outings whilst maintaining the latest social distancing guidance!

We had over 40 dots on the maps making it the biggest trail ever!

The last map, for use during July, was entered into the Buxton Festival Fringe.

Well done to Cote Heath who had the most creations at the end of the summer.


We are able to run the Buxton Flowerpot Trail project this year thanks to generous donations from the High Peak Borough Council’s Councillor’s Initiative Fund, Derbyshire County Council’s Community Fund and Tarmac with particular thanks to local councillors, Linda Grooby, Jean Todd and Matt Stone, for their help and support.

Get Involved

Anyone wanting to get involved with the project, helping to promote or volunteering at our workshops, please get in touch – email hello@funnywonders.org.uk.

Have you made a flowerpot person or enjoyed the trail? Let us know, send us a message or post it on social media using the hashtag #BuxtonFlowerpotTrail.

Flowerpot Creations