Support Us – Join Us
There are many ways in which you can support Funny Wonders. You can: get involved with our projects, become a member, a volunteer or team member, become a ‘FWiend’ or support us financially.
Become a Member
Our annual membership subscription fees are as follows:
- Volunteer – £1*
- Child (U16) – £10
- Adult (16+) – £15
- Family^ – £25
(*excluding DBS check and t-shirt)
(^three people)
Get in touch with us for a membership form.
Become a ‘FWiend’
A Friend of Funny Wonders or a ‘FWiend’ is someone who would like to help promote our activities; support, help or undertake fundraising applications and activities; consider us for networking, promotional or professional opportunities and/or support and contribute to our events.
If you would like to become a member or a FWiend, please contact us through the messaging service on the contact page or find us on Facebook.
Join our Team
We are always looking to recruit new members of our team whether you’d like to help out at our community events, help develop and run projects or run workshops in schools. We like to work with a range of people with a diverse set of skills.
Our recruitment process involves an informal chat and some paperwork, an induction into the organisation, a DBS check depending on your role and training in any skills you’ll need to carry out your chosen role with the organisation.
“I thought that your recruitment process was extensive and secure. Your interview… was relaxed but also exacted lots of information in a comfortable environment… [We were] well-informed about what you do and what was expected from [us]. Really professional. Any youngster coming to Funny Wonders is well-catered for and as safe as possible.”
If you are interested please do get in touch.
If you would like to run creative workshops in schools, Funny Wonders is here for you. Our activities are not restricted to puppetry – we welcome all artistic mediums. As long as you align with our way of working, we can support you in your work. We offer liability insurance, a range of policy documents, best-practice guidance, administrative assistance and general support for your work.
Funny Wonders has no core funding and outside of funded projects runs day-to-day on the voluntary contributions of our team. If you would like to support us financially and contribute to our core-running costs, without which we could not operate and provide our activities, please follow the link below to our PayPal account. Any donation would be greatly appreciated by all members of our team and we thank you for your support.