Take Part in our New Community Art Project
We are embarking on a new project ‘PANDEMIC Reflections’ which aims to create personal and community records of the pandemic.
Made possible by an award from the Postcode Places Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, a Five Ways to Wellbeing grant from High Peak CVS’s Health & Wellbeing Partnership and a grant from The Bingham Trust, everyone aged 11+ from Buxton, district and around the High Peak are welcome to get involved.
With many of us just trying to get through each day over the past two years, with all restrictions now lifted, we want to take the time to step back and try to process what we have all been living through, to reflect on our experience and the impact it has had, personally and as a community. We’d also like to create a record for us to look back on in 10, 20, 50 years time.
A series of creative reflection activities will be released beginning in mid-March. These can be used at home by individuals and family groups or at weekly workshops at The Green Man Gallery in Buxton.
Spaces for the workshops will be limited but we will be making our activity resources available online so others can take part with the project from home.
If you are aged 11-25 and over the last two years have experienced depression, loneliness or greater levels of anxiety, due to, for example, bereavement, trauma, isolation, financial stress, loss of support or relationship breakdown or just general fatigue and exhaustion, we particularly encourage you to get involved, even if just from home. We hope this project will help show that you are not alone and there is support out there.
After the workshops, we will bring everyone’s personal records together (anonymously) to create a communal record which further members of the public will be able to contribute towards during an exhibition at The Green Man Gallery in August.
Workshops will take place on Thursday evenings at The Green Man Gallery during March and April beginning on Thursday 24th March. Each workshop will be split into two sessions, the first, 6pm-7pm for 11-15 year olds and 7pm-8.30pm for those aged 16+. Parents, carers or older siblings of those aged 11-15 are welcome to attend alongside at the first session for support.
At the workshops, there will be time for personal reflection and record-making, contributing to communal art work and a variety of creative activities. They are not a specialist mental health therapeutic service but if participants would benefit from further support, there will be information available.
For those who would like to take part from home, activity resources will be available via this website blog each week.
You will need some basic craft resources for the activities, such as paper, colouring pencils/paints and pens, but equipment and materials can be provided if you do not have any at home and cannot afford to buy any.
If you’d like to find out more detailed information, please download the document below.
If you or your young person would like to attend the workshops or take part from home, please email with your preference or fill out our contact form here.