Season’s Greetings Puppets: Tour 2019
I’m not sure what it was with this year, but we must have had five enquiries for our Season’s Greetings puppets! Enough to make me think about making another set.
The am-dram group to use them this year (because they got in touch in March!!!) were BaCStage, a group from Cambridgeshire.
Following a check up, re-string and a new, more structurally-secure home (an old suitcase), the puppets made their journey down to Cambridgeshire for a couple of months with Ron, the director of the production. Following a bit of familiarisation and rehearsal, they gave their performances on three nights at the end of November at Bluntisham Village Hall.
The puppets are used in the most chaotic scene of Alan Ayckbourn’s Christmas play with string entanglement a very real risk. All went well though apparently and the puppets are now back home safely.
I wonder where they will get to next year?
Any theatre groups producing the play in 2020 who would like to hire the puppets, please get in touch. Email Click here for more information.
Photos below of the puppets in use are from BacStage Theatre’s website.
Merry Christmas!