
Season’s Greetings 2015

In the summer of 2015, we were approached by our local am-dram group the ‘Buxton Drama League‘ (BDL), to help them with a dilemma: the play they were staging in late November, Alan Ayckbourn‘s ‘Season’s Greetings’ had a puppet show in it with six marionnettes and they weren’t sure how to produce it. After a bit of discussion about their options, we agreed that Funny Wonders would make the puppets and run workshops with the BDL.

Below are photos of the making process, the final puppets and the first rehearsal with the actors.

The play was performed 26th-28th November at the Pavilion Arts Centre with tickets available from the Buxton Opera House.

Following this performance, the puppets are available to hire to other drama groups producing this play. Please contact us for details.

Making Workshops

The Final Puppets, Rehearsal & The Show

From Start to Finish - the Pigs

From Start to Finish - the Wolf

From Start to Finish - the Postman