
Autumn 2023 goings on at Funny Wonders

A quick round-up of the goings on at Funny Wonders this autumn.

First, project news. We finished and evaluated the Buxton Flowerpot Trail 2023, our most popular trail yet, and re-started our Changing Faces after-school youth club in October. We’ve also been submitting funding applications for another project we hope to start in September 2024. Fingers crossed.

In other news, we’ve signed up for the High Peak Community Lottery! If you want to play it, please consider signing up to support us. Tickets cost £1 and 60% goes towards local causes. Any funds received will go towards our core-running costs. Sign up here.

A member of our team completed a ‘Living Well with Autism’ course delivered by NDSA, Neurodiverse Self Advocacy. What we learn will be incorporated into our Equal Opportunities & Inclusion Policy and inform our activities and procedures. The free course aims to “provide you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to gain better understanding and make a positive impact on the lives of autistic individuals”. The next training cycle starts on 4 January. You can sign up via Eventbrite here.

Speaking of policies, the 2023 versions of our reviewed policies are now and our website.

And speaking of websites, we’re re-building our website as Wix has implemented a paywall and, with our site being rather large, it’s now worth us having a proper website. A fun project for Ali over the Christmas break!

It was a big day for us on 8 November… the annual PAT testing!!

And we had our annual Christmas get-together, in person this year(!), the first time in quite a while, at the Railway Inn. We kept the quiz rounds which we’ve curated over the past few years, including our famous Board meeting minutes quiz.

A classic question on the quiz, how many broad-leaf trees do we need to off-set for the most recent year? For April 2022 to March 2023, we calculated an environmental impact requiring an off-set of 0.39 broad-leaf trees. Our FWSP (Funny Wonders Sapling Producer) is on the case and will be donating a sapling to be planted.

And to complete the annual reviews, our team hours review for 2022-2023 was 707.85 hours.

Wishing you happy holidays and only good things for 2024. We’ll be starting to plan the Buxton Flowerpot Trail 2024 in the new year.

If you’d like to join us on our adventures, please get in touch.

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